Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I just love planning for my future dream wardrobe closet. I have a few in mind that I would love to copy from. So here they are

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The journey...Whoever knew that love could take you to a lower place that you never knew or ever wanted to know but there was something in that window that you just had to have. Just because it look like it was just your size does not mean it was meant for you. Now, you have been in debt to it for years.
What is this chick talking about? A man of course. Oh! another Man Story! No this is not another Man story. I thought that I should inform you guys of the creator of the fall. This blog will be about about my journey back to my soul and my dream. Seeing myself again when I look in the mirror. Not someone who has been forgotten about stepped on and thrown in the corner like dirty clothes. This my renewal inside out and head to toe.